Kung Fu Kendra
🇨🇦​ Canada's Top Fitness Trainer
Q. Is the price a one-time payment?
A. Yes. Each level is a one-time payment. There are no monthly subscription fees.
Q. Do I get a certificate when I pass a level?
A. Yes. Upon passing each exam, you will receive a certificate for that level.
Q. What is required to pass the exams?
A. You will be given a written exam and instructions for a video exam. Once 3 weeks has passed you will email our office the exams and we will issue you a certificate upon successful completion.
Q. Are the exams difficult?
A. The exams are designed to ensure that you have absorbed all of the information of each level and help you move forward towards Sifu status. The exams start moderate and get progressively harder as you progress in the levels.
Q. Can I become a member of the Ip Man Lineage if I just take Level 1?
A. Yes. After you pass the Level 1 exam, you will receive a certificate, certifying you in the Ip Man Lineage.
Q. How am I certified in the Ip Man Lineage?
A. Sifu Kendra Mahon is a 3rd Generation Master in the Ip Man Lineage. Being certified under her grants you into the Ip Man Lineage.
Q. How long does it take to pass a level?
A. The level can take as long as you need depending on your training schedule. It's recommended to do the training once per day if possible, for a minimum of 3 weeks before moving onto the next level.
Q. What happens after I purchase Level 1 or the Full Sifu Training?
A. After your purchase, you are sent to a page where you can access and download training material for Level 1. There are clear instructions on how to use the course. The training videos are optimized in size making them easy to store on your computer. You must pass Level 1 before gaining access to Level 2.
Q. How large are the file sizes of the training videos?
A. The training videos compressed, high quality exports and all under 250MB allowing you to download to your computer easily.
Q. Do I need a wooden dummy?
A. No, the training does not require a wooden dummy. You will learn 116 Wooden Dummy (Mook Jong) techniques. They will be demonstrated both in the air and on a wooden dummy. You will see them demonstrated by Sifu Kendra Mahon and Co-teacher, Sifu Dejan Mikic.
Q. By online, do you mean that you hold live Wing Chun online classes on a platform such as Zoom?
A. No. The course contains pre-recorded videos with written materials so that you can learn at home on your own schedule.
Q. Can I go at my own pace?
A. Yes. This course gives you the convenience to go at a speed that is comfortable for you. The course requires a minimum of 3 weeks to complete each level.
Q. Can you learn Wing Chun without a training partner?
A. Yes. You do not need a partner for this course. This course has been designed to allow you to learn without a training partner.
Q. Do I need a strong internet connection?
A. No. Once you download the course, you do not require internet access.
Q. How long will I have access?
A. You will have the downloaded videos and written materials (PDF's) forever. There is no expiration for this course as it is encouraged to be a lifelong practice.
Q. If I need further instruction, do you offer private Wing Chun Classes online?
A. Yes. There are private training sessions available to help your learning if you so choose. It is not required for the course but is available as an extra learning resource.
Q. What happens if I buy Level 1 and really like it, am I still eligible to receive the Full Sifu Training discount?
A. Yes. Upon completing Level 1, you will be given the opportunity to purchase Full Sifu Training at the originally discounted price. Your Level 1 payment will be applied to the Full Sifu Training discount. Here's how it works: You buy level 1 for $97 dollars and complete it. You then decide you want to do the Full Sifu Training but at the Full Sifu Training discount. So, instead of paying for the additional 9 levels at 97 each ($873) you will just pay the Full Sifu Training discounted price ($675) minus Level 1 ($97) and end up paying only $578 for Full Sifu Training.
Q. Do you offer the long pole and butterfly swords training?
A. After students complete Level 7, they are offered an add on module (7B) which is Baat Jaam Do (Butterfly Swords) and Luk Dim Boon Kwan (Long Pole). The cost is $97 each and are only available once a student completes Level 7. It is also the only add on we have. It's not required to become a Sifu but it is there for students who are interested in expanding their learning. The reason is the course was designed for students to not require additional training tools and equipment while learning at home - however it is there as an optional add on.
Q. Why is learning Wing Chun online superior to learning it in a class like setting?
A. Learning Wing Chun through pre-recorded videos offers significant advantages over traditional classroom settings. With the flexibility to learn at your own pace and schedule, you can pause, rewind, and replay sections as needed, allowing for a deeper understanding of complex techniques. Videos enable you to zoom in on specific details like hand positions and footwork, ensuring you don’t miss important nuances. This format allows for personalized learning, where you can focus on challenging areas while easily revisiting material whenever necessary.
Q. Can I really learn Wing Chun online?
A. Yes, you can absolutely learn Wing Chun online, and in many ways, it can be even more effective than traditional in-class settings. Online learning offers numerous advantages that can enhance your Wing Chun journey including flexibility, convenience, personalized learning, global expertise and cost-effectiveness. You can replay videos, slow down demonstrations, and really dissect techniques in a way that's not always possible in a group class.
Q. Is Wing Chun easy to learn at home?
A. Yes. The convenience of home study makes learning Wing Chun at home easy and inexpensive. Keep in mind that to be a skilled martial artist, Wing Chun requires daily dedication to the practice. Our Wing Chun Online Certification course recommends the teachings to be learned every day for a minimum of 3 weeks to fully absorb the knowledge.
Q. How many years does it take to learn Wing Chun Online?
A. Our Online Wing Chun Course can be learned in as little as 8 months. Students must have discipline and consistent dedication to the practice.
Q. Is Wing Chun useful in real life?
A. Wing Chun is absolutely useful in real life, and here's why it's an exceptional self-defense system:
Q. Can I really learn Wing Chun at home online?
A. Yes. Learning at home through distance learning with the Wing Chun Online Certification Course is possible and highly effective. Despite what some sifus might say, you can gain substantial knowledge and skill in Wing Chun through dedicated home practice and online lessons. Our comprehensive course is designed to guide you through both solo training exercises and techniques that simulate partner interactions, allowing you to develop a strong foundation in Wing Chun principles, forms, and applications. Through detailed video instruction, you can learn proper stances, hand techniques, footwork, and even practice forms like Sil Lim Tao and Chum Kiu. The course also includes visualization exercises to help you understand energy flow and develop sensitivity. With consistent practice and dedication to the online curriculum, you can make significant progress in your Wing Chun journey from the comfort of your own home.
Q. How am I recognized as a Student in the Ip Man Lineage online?
A. Once you have completed Level 1, you are added to our ever growing search engine optimized directory of the Global Kung Fu Alliance. For each level you pass, your membership is updated to reflect your progress.
Q. How long did Donnie Yen learn Wing Chun before starring in the movie Ip Man?
A. Donnie Yen studied Wing Chun for approximately 9 months before portraying Ip Man in the film series. He worked specifically with Ip Man's eldest son, Ip Chun, during this training period. Yen himself acknowledged that he couldn't fully master Wing Chun in such a short time, so he focused on understanding the mindset and philosophy of the martial art. He studied with multiple Wing Chun trainers, learning forms, basic drills like lap sau and chee sau, and even researched Ip Man's personal history to prepare for the role